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json_pointer_tuplejson_pointer_tupleJsonPointerTuplejson_pointer_tupleJsonPointerTupleJsonPointerTuple (Operator)


json_pointer_tuplejson_pointer_tupleJsonPointerTuplejson_pointer_tupleJsonPointerTupleJsonPointerTuple — Uses a JSON Pointer to parse a value or an array of values from a JSON string.


json_pointer_tuple( : : Json, Pointer : Value)

Herror json_pointer_tuple(const char* Json, const char* Pointer, char* Value)

Herror T_json_pointer_tuple(const Htuple Json, const Htuple Pointer, Htuple* Value)

Herror json_pointer_tuple(const HTuple& Json, const HTuple& Pointer, char* Value)

Herror json_pointer_tuple(const HTuple& Json, const HTuple& Pointer, HTuple* Value)

void JsonPointerTuple(const HTuple& Json, const HTuple& Pointer, HTuple* Value)

void HJsonX.JsonPointerTuple(
[in] VARIANT Json, [in] VARIANT Pointer, [out] VARIANT* Value)

static void HJson.JsonPointerTuple(HTuple json, HTuple pointer, out HTuple value)


json_pointer_tuplejson_pointer_tupleJsonPointerTuplejson_pointer_tupleJsonPointerTupleJsonPointerTuple uses a JSON Pointer to parse a value or an array of values from a JSON string. The operator can be used as shortcut for the combination of the operators json_pointerjson_pointerJsonPointerjson_pointerJsonPointerJsonPointer and json_get_tuplejson_get_tupleJsonGetTuplejson_get_tupleJsonGetTupleJsonGetTuple.

Directly supported data types are:

If the JSON representation of the target of the pointer is a JSON object, the error 13003 (json_err_type_error) will be returned. In this case a combination of json_pointerjson_pointerJsonPointerjson_pointerJsonPointerJsonPointer, json_object_keysjson_object_keysJsonObjectKeysjson_object_keysJsonObjectKeysJsonObjectKeys, and json_atjson_atJsonAtjson_atJsonAtJsonAt should be used to iterate over the JSON object.

If the JSON representation of the target of the pointer is a JSON array, a multi-value tuple will be returned. In an entry of the array is structured, i.e. the entry represents a JSON array or JSON object, the error 13003 (json_err_type_error) will be returned. In this case a combination of json_pointerjson_pointerJsonPointerjson_pointerJsonPointerJsonPointer, json_array_sizejson_array_sizeJsonArraySizejson_array_sizeJsonArraySizeJsonArraySize, and json_atjson_atJsonAtjson_atJsonAtJsonAt should be used to iterate over the JSON array.

Find more information about the JSON extension package in the introduction to this chapter.



JsonJsonJsonJsonJsonjson (input_control)  string HTupleHTupleHTupleVARIANTHtuple (string) (string) (HString) (char*) (BSTR) (char*)

JSON string

PointerPointerPointerPointerPointerpointer (input_control)  string HTupleHTupleHTupleVARIANTHtuple (string) (string) (HString) (char*) (BSTR) (char*)

JSON Pointer

ValueValueValueValueValuevalue (output_control)  string(-array) HTupleHTupleHTupleVARIANTHtuple (string / integer / real) (string / int / long / double) (HString / Hlong / double) (char* / Hlong / double) (BSTR / Hlong / double) (char* / Hlong / double)




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