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// 01_visualizers / main.cpp
#include <string>
#include <memory>
struct Circle {
double cx, cy, r;
struct Container {
std::shared_ptr<Circle> c1, c2;
Container(std::shared_ptr<Circle> c1,
std::shared_ptr<Circle> c2)
: c1(c1), c2(c2) {};
int main() {
auto c1 = std::shared_ptr<Circle>(
new Circle{100.0, 200.0, 10.0});
auto c2 = std::shared_ptr<Circle>(
new Circle{144.0, 222.0, -33.0});
auto container = std::make_shared<Container>(
c1, c2);
// watch container with .natvis visualizer
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<AutoVisualizer xmlns="">
<Type Name="std::shared_ptr<Container>">
<DisplayString>{_Ptr->c1,g}, {_Ptr->c2,g} (d2={(((_Ptr->c1._Ptr->cx-_Ptr->c2._Ptr->cx) * (_Ptr->c1._Ptr->cx-_Ptr->c2._Ptr->cx) + (_Ptr->c1._Ptr->cy-_Ptr->c2._Ptr->cy) * (_Ptr->c1._Ptr->cy-_Ptr->c2._Ptr->cy))),g})</DisplayString>
<Type Name="std::shared_ptr<Circle>">
<DisplayString Condition="_Ptr->r < 0">(cx={_Ptr->cx,g}, cy={_Ptr->cy,g}, r={_Ptr->r,g} (INVALID))</DisplayString>
<DisplayString>(cx={_Ptr->cx,g}, cy={_Ptr->cy,g}, r={_Ptr->r,g})</DisplayString>
// 02_stepfilters / main.cpp
#include <string>
struct MyWidget {
MyWidget(const char* s) {}
void setNameWidget(const std::string& name, const MyWidget& w) {
/* TODO: Debug me */
int main()
const char* name = "myName";
/* Debugging task: Step into setNameWidget()
* typical sequence: F11, Shift+F11, F11, Shift+F11, F11
* use step filter in
* %USERPROFILE%\Documents\Visual Studio 2015\Visualizers\example.natstepfilter
* to avoid stepping into std::string ctor and MyWidget ctor.
setNameWidget("bla", "widgetName");
"%USERPROFILE%\Documents\Visual Studio 2015\Visualizers\example.natstepfilter"(not per-project)
pt(), go to Command window:
? pt(args)
// 03_eval / main.cpp
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include "halconcpp/HalconCpp.h"
std::string __buffer;
/* to be called via Debug.EvaluateStatement or ? */
const char* pt(const HalconCpp::HTuple& t) {
std::cout << t.ToString().Text() << '\n';
__buffer = t.ToString().Text();
return __buffer.c_str();
int main()
auto bc = HalconCpp::HBarCode(HalconCpp::HTuple(),HalconCpp::HTuple());
HalconCpp::HImage Image("barcode/ean13/ean1308.png");
HalconCpp::HTuple DecodedString;
bc.FindBarCode(Image, "EAN-13", &DecodedString);
/* Contents of HALCON tuple DecodedString not
* visible (pimpl). Call embedded function pt
* to display string in VS Command Window:
* ? pt(DecodedString) */
// 04_step_statement / main.cpp
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include "halconcpp/HalconCpp.h"
int main()
HalconCpp::HTuple Rand;
HalconCpp::TupleRand(5, &Rand);
/* ... */
/* Execute [] first, then L().
* Where does exception occur?
* Use ALT+8 to go to assembler view */
auto l = Rand[2].L(); // HTupleAccessException!
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Image File Execution Options